As I write this I am only a few hours away from my own lunar return. Tonight the Moon will move to 28º Aries, the same degree it occupied the morning I was born. A lunar return chart is cast at the exact moment the moon returns to that place. Because the moon takes roughly 28 days to complete its cycle around the zodiac you have a new lunar return every month. The interpretation of it can give you uncanny insight into the month you have ahead.

The planets and their placements take on a slightly different significance in a lunar return chart. The moon will obviously be in the same sign of your natal placement every time. Your emotional nature doesn’t change month to month and neither will your moon sign! The house the moon lands in changes, however, and that can show you where your emotions will be focused for the month.

So the planetary significations for a lunar return look a little like this:

  • The Moon placement signifies where you will be looking for emotional satisfaction.
  • The Sun placement signifies your goals for the month or what you will be pursuing.
  • The Mercury placement signifies where you will be busiest and your life could be the most changeable
  • The Venus placement signifies where your magnetism will be the highest and what’s most likely to delight you through the month.
  • The Mars placement signifies where your energy and attention will be demanded. Less important than the luminaries but still worth taking note of.
  • The Jupiter placement signifies where good fortune, abundance and justice can be yours IF you act with wisdom and generosity.
  • The Saturn placement signifies where you will need to take your time and behave soberly and skillfully. This is the area of life where you should not being cutting corners. Saturn can also indicate long lasting rewards if well aspected.

A lunar return is not something you scrutinize for long term potential, they are quick little snapshots of your month ahead. But used correctly they can give you a bit of a users manual for the next 28 days. A lunar report can tell you when to rest and when to go all out. Should you be focusing on career or is it time to tune up your relationships? Should you live a little dangerously or is it a month to be risk averse?

I’ve found lunar returns to be freakishly accurate for myself and my clients. If you’re ever looking for extra guidance into short term circumstances, the mighty lunar return is your new best friend.

For love and astro,
